Welcome to The Buddhist Place!
As members of the Buddhist Place, our intention is...
To refrain from harm, to work towards understanding deeply...
...the conditional nature of experience and how the negative energies and forces of greed, hatred and delusion can permeate individual and societal actions and structures and contribute to suffering, inequity, marginalization, and exclusion. We commit to the abandonment of these forces.
To commit to a path of study and investigation into...
...how greed, hatred, and delusion contribute to the manifestation of such acts as violence, war, incarceration, dispossession, separation, degradation, disparagement, misrecognition, disrespect, isolation, othering and to the narratives and rationalizations that support them.
To foster positive energies and forces...
...such as openness, kindness, love, compassion, equanimity, understanding and joy, that contribute to the creation of a friendly and welcoming environment to all.
To create the possibility of coming together...
...in respectful ways where we may reflect and explore meditation together, develop understanding into the nature of experience, and aspire to live in this world and relate to all elements of life in a good way.
To foster a place which is sensitive to the experience of difference and disability...
...and which actively responds to support and to create the opportunity for all to participate fully in meditative practice and Buddhist Place activities in a way which is right for them, and to feel seen, heard, and understood, and to be free of the experience of harm and exclusion.
To cultivate curiosity and investigation...
...in a way that allows a deeper knowing, connection, and care to be experienced.
To challenge ourselves...
...to foster more inner quiet, to practice presence and reflection in a way that contributes individually and as a group to an embodiment of wisdom and compassion - the two wings of a Buddhist path.
To refrain from harm, to do good, and to purify the heart. This is the teaching of the Buddhas.